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Home / News / Economy / Germany sends another gift to Greece: data of 475 suspected tax evaders

Germany sends another gift to Greece: data of 475 suspected tax evaders

What??? Greek businessmen took bank loans and instead o investing them they pushed them abroad in the safety of foreign banks? I don’t believe such immoral things can happen in Greece. Or can they? Reality suggests that they unfortunately can.

During the parliament debate on corruption, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras revealed that Greece received data containing the accounts of 475 Greeks with deposits at a central European bank. The data is from 2010 and it was given to Greece by the economic team of the German federal state of Northrhein-Westfalia with is in cooperation with Greek authorities when it comes to hidden bank accounts and hidden money.

Tsipras did not elaborate on the content of the new Borjans list, but some media write today that “the data contain information about famous businessmen who took business loans from banks but rather to invest them in their businesses, they transferred the money abroad in personal accounts.”

According to news website, “economic prosecutors are currently investigating 100 business loans worth more than 3 billion euros that have been channeled abroad.”

State broadcaster ERT reports that the new Borjans – List arrived in Athens ten days and is being currently in cross-check with data about 1,250,000 Greeks who have bank accounts abroad with the assistance of a new software.

The Finance Minister of Northern-Westfalia, Norbet Walter-Borjans, has been chasing German tax evaders since 2010, he has even bought CDs with stolen data from Swiss banks. When he finds something about potential Greek tax evaders he sent an envelope also to Athens.

The first Borjans-list contained data of 10,588 suspected Greek tax evaders.

PS German Tax Evaders? Is there something like that in Schaeubland?

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  1. Whether there are tax evaders in Schaeubland or not is something for Herr Schaeubschwein to investigate. The Greek tax authorities need to crack down on tax evaders in Greece – and by that I don’t mean the guy who didn’t charge VAT on a 50 cents Koulouri. But until and unless there is the desire to crack down on tax evaders worldwide by shutting down tax paradises and loopholes, the black money will simply be moved along the chain to the next welcoming tax haven.

  2. Good grief! What a surprise! And may I surmise that this too will be ‘lost’ in a drawer like the Lagarde list famously was. Nothing will change.

  3. These lists are nothing but smokescreens for the idiots who vote. At best they will only milk unsuspecting “criminals” with at most 5-6 thousand euros in an account carrying a precious 10 euros of interest per year. Using the Quislings laws they will demand taxes at twice the amount of the deposit. There is a good chance that the said “criminals” will not have the additional money to pay, therefore their property can be confiscated as per the wishes of the 4th Reich.