Convicted 17. November terrorist Dimitris Kofodinas has been granted a second furlough by the prison council in Korydallos prison. He will be allowed to exit the prison at 9 o’ clock Friday morning and return in two days. He will be obliged to report to a police station near his family home in Varnavas area of North Attica twice a day.
Koufodinas has been sentenced to 16 times life imprisonment.
He received his first furlough last November. This triggered an outrage among political parties of the opposition as well as relatives of victims of the terror group 17. November. Strong reactions to Koufodinas’ furloughs have been expressed also by diplomats of countries whose citizens were victims of the terror organization.
Strong reactions are expected also on Friday.
Furloughs are granted with the unanimous decision of the prison councils and are not connected to government.