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Alt-right Steve Bannon in Athens Democracy Forum triggers outrage

The presence of alt-right Steve Bannon at the Athens Democracy Forum has triggered the angry reaction among Greeks and foreigners on social media. The ultra-nationalist, populist and xenophobic Bannon was among the speakers of the Forum on Friday.

In association with the New York Times, the Athens Democracy Forum event brings together business leaders, policy makers and experts to explore the current state of democracy.

What does Bannon doing in a Democracy conference, asked many on social media. Some were shocked and others tried their best to keep a “safe distance” to him.

Controversial figure Steve Bannon was on the same panel with philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy, one of the most prominent intellectuals of France in modern times.

KTG understands that it was the New York Times that invited Bannon.

The former strategist for Donald Trump and the White House and co-founder of far-right Breitbart News, Bannon has declared his intention to become “the infrastructure, globally, for the global populist movement,” the right-wing extremist movements in Europe.

It was just yesterday that Italy revoked the license for his planned Academy for Populists. the Academy was aiming train students as “cultural warriors” against secularism and illegal immigration. Bannon, who wants to build right-wing extremist movements in Europe since being expelled from the White House, promised the project a million dollars. More donors stayed away.

PS Much to my knowledge Freedom of Expression is not unlimited, at least not in Europe.It was just a couple of days ago, that the European Court of Human Rights ruled that denial of the Holocaust is not a human right. It was a German neo-Nazi who had appealed to ECHR claiming the Holocaust denial” was his right in the context of Freedom of Expression.

Tthere are times when I dare think “political correctness” goes too far.

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  1. Irony of ironies, at a conference on democracy no less!

    Outrage and banning calls because a man some people don’t like is invited to express his views? This is absolutely un-democratic – and totally against the Socratic tradition.

    True democracy lets every person debate their decision.
    Athens, for 3000 years, has always stood for free speech, free inquiry and debate. .

    Will Greeks ever accept America’s Salem witch trial style thought-crime policing and its self-appointed prohibitionists? I can’t see that happening

    • I suppose you would have invited Adolf Hitler to Britain before 1939 to discuss his views about Jews.

  2. Lets face it, the wholly undemocratic EU strikes again.

    • Political correctness is proving itself to be total BS. “Democracy” in the EU and Greece has meant nothing but slavery to the gangsters in Brussels and the ECB. Sorry, but the Greek government in Brussels is probably a laughing stock. There are only a couple of leaders in the EU with functioning brains: namely Orbán, Salvini, Farage, etc. The rest are either spineless fools or thieves. The sooner this phony so-called “union” falls apart the better.

      • Ermmm, sorry to point this out, but all of the names mentioned in your post are far right pieces of ****. They are all racist, xenophobic and are opposed to the rule of law. They are also only interested in themselves and collecting large amounts of money for doing nothing other than screwing up their own countries.

        And I don’t know what you mean by “gangsters” in Brussels. The only gangsters I know about are located in (i) banks, (2) billionaires’ business interests, which are very involved with right wing politics, and (c) far right neo-Nazi organizations which are trying to remove the rule of law and peace that Europe has had since 1945.

        • What have these phony altruistic morons like Merkel, Schulz, Junker, and Verhofstadt done but tried to destroy Europe and its culture? THEY have done a good job at destroying the peace in Europe (have only lost out to the real peace destroyers like the US and that racist state of Israel). Europeans will only wake up when they have lost their sovereignty to idiots like those in Brussels. And who controls them but the banksters that you mention and other **** like Soros. brexit will take place and others will follow. Thank God.

          • This is a delusional rant that you are making. Who told you that Merkel et al. are altruistic?! They are all centre-right politicians who are following their playbook (which includes supporting the criminals who own banks). So your “solution” is to support the fascist far Right who are also financed by bankers and billionaires, especially in the case of Brexit since the EU is taking action (for once) against offshore banks and the criminals who use them.

            There is no logic in your position: it is just emotional ranting.

  3. If Steve Banton is a ‘populist’ surely that means his views are popular?
    Just exactly how is he xenophobic and mysogenistic, can’t say I’ve noticed it myself.
    It’s not very ‘democratic’ to shut down views just because you disagree with them.

    • keeptalkinggreece

      Populism: a political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups.

      • Right on. And who disregards them more than the thugs in Brussels who push their fake multi-kulti, bankster friendly agenda.

  4. ah yes, whenever we want to silence someone, these days we apply the labels ‘racist’ , ‘xenophobe’, ‘populist’, ‘right wing’ , ‘fascist’, to mark them out as people who are not allowed to think or speak freely. Only if you agree with the globalists and bankers, are you considered to be speaking ‘freely’ and allowed to say anything.
    in every era of tyranny they had their labels to silence dissent and disagreement. Whats really disgusting and sad is to see regular people on the street believing this controlled narrative – one expects the nomenklatura to buy it because its in their interest.. the rest of us? we’re just getting screwed but enough people still cheer them on because thats what theyve been taught by the mass media , megacorps, and statist-controlled ‘education’ systems.

    • Right, we really need to allow racists, misogynists, sociopaths etc. to be allowed to speak freely. That will solve all of our problems… NOT

    • Yes, the brainwashing and dumbing down has had a pernicious effect.