Greece’s primary budget deficit in the first seven months of this year amounted to 9.063 billion euros, compared to a target for a primary deficit of 9.602 billion euros and a primary deficit of 7.463 billion euros for the same period in 2020.
According to the data from the General Accounting Office of State, the amount of net revenues of the state budget amounted to 26.969 billion euros, showing a decrease of 636 million euros or 2.3 pct compared to the estimate for the corresponding period included in the explanatory note of the 2022-2025 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) report.
Despite the collection of ANFAs amounting to 644 million euros which was not foreseen in the MTEF 2022-2025, the significantly reduced revenue from the Public Investments Programme in July 2021 is the main reason for this decrease.
Total state budget revenues amounted to 29.461 billion euros, down 651 million euros or 2.2 pct from the target.