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IMF Thomsen: “Greeks get higher pensions than the Germans”

No, Troika-chief Poul Thomsen did not refer to pensioners from the notorious Greek state-run enterprises (DEKO) going into retirement at 50’s and getting 2,000 to 3,000 euro. He referred to the poor devils, who get less than 1,000 euro per month, gross. Private sector employees, older generations of self-employed.

Poul Thomsen to Greek Labor Minister:

“The average level of pensions in Greece is 915 euros, when in other countries, such as Germany, the average level is 830 euro.”

If Thomsen was not suffering from a calculation-disorder – as proved many times with the IMF calculation mistakes – and had he put his eye-glasses on, he could clearly see that the majority of private sector pensioners (IKA) get 600 to 700 euro.

But probably in a state of total mind confusion added that

33% of Greek pensioners get €360 gross
33% of Greek pensioners get €675 gross
Or he probably deliberately picked up the “statistically average” 907.65 euro which sums up from main and supplementary pension plus some kind of allowance.
He also pretended to forget the total collapse of the Greek social state when making his comparison to Germany. he could also compare the food prices in the two countries, but that’s the IMF employees: no taxes, but bonuses and good pensions for ruining people’s lives.
Statistics ruin our lives

But the Greek side is also as stupid as it can be.

Recently, the Labor Ministry published a not-complete list of pension levels in the private sector.

Minister Yiannis Vroutsis was proud to announce that the average pension was some 907.65 euro. On the statistic papers, of course. Vroutsis wanted to persuade Greeks that their pensions were much higher than they thought and received.

In real life, my father and my uncle (85+, ex self-employed) get 600 euro, an aunt 490 euro, one neighbor 700 euro. No supplementary pension, no allowances.

Thomsen wants pension cuts

Dialogue between Thomsen and Greek Labor Minister as leaked to the Greek media:

Thomsen: “Do you need to see it again on pensions to cover the financial gap?”

Vroutsis: “It can not be done. Can not reduce pensions. The government said that this would not happen. We will achieve our financial goals. ”

Thomsen: “I don’t tell you what to do, but maybe you need to see it again, to discuss the issue of pensions? There are differences in many measures. We see how close a budget gap that is 1 to 1.5 billion. Besides, the average level of pensions in Greece is at 915 euros, when in other countries, such as Germany, the average level is at 830.

To tell you the truth – and, please, do not say it further – it is highly possible that pensions of self-employed will be cut to some 30%. Not now, not this year. But there is a suspicious repeat of such articles in the Greek media.

Poul Thomsen hates Math

PS I really long for the day when Greeks will not pay taxes according to “estimated virtual income” and receive virtual pensions according to “estimated statistics”.  Get back to the real world, guys!

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  1. Like always it all depends on the definition of ‘pensions’. What do you calculate into it. Just the main state pension or also the supplementary pensions. And what about all kind of allowances?
    And what about taxation? Or health care? Is that included or does one has to fork that out from the pension?
    Knowing how things are done in Greece I would not be surprised that supplementary pensions could sometimes double the amount and allowances are known to be ver ‘golden’ indeed.

    The basic state pension in Holland are 750,93 gross (565,85 after taxes). That’s lower than the supposed Greek average pension of 915 or 907,85 gross. OK in Holland that state pension is the same for everybody. And here in Greece it differs from group to group.

    Just for information, KTG, this question. Say your uncle and the aunt were married would they receive 600+490=1090 euro? I’m asking because for single persons the amount is higher in Holland then for people living together.

    Too many variables to make a sound comparison. And I don’t know the figures for Germany, but it looks that at least in comparison with Holland Thomson is not far off the mark. How strange it might be…

    • keeptalkinggreece

      it makes no difference if people are married or not as they bought ‘earned’ their pensions after working independently.

  2. Find “x”. Nothing wrong with your eyes!