13 new confirmed coronavirus cases, among them also 5 imported, and one more death were announced on Thursday evening by the Greek health authoriti8es. The number of total infections stands at 3,321 and the death toll at 191, after a 64-year old patient died on Wednesday evening.
New Cases – Geographical distribution
Majority of the new cases have been detected in cluster areas, some of them placed under soft lockdown or simple restrictions.
3 of the new cases have been detected in Xanthi, 1 in Rodopi, both in northeastern Greece, 1 in Paramythia, Epirus, 1 in Pella and 1 in Kastoria, western Macedonia.
The first case of Covid-19 has been detected on the island of Syros, Cyclades.
Among the 5 “imported” cases, 2 have been detected in arrivals through the Promachonas border crossing with Bulgaria, and 3 on flight passengers.
The area of Kastoria was Covid-free in the last 72 days. According to local media, the new patient, a 44-year-old woman, had recently traveled to Ioannina, Epirus.
General information June 25
According to the Health Ministry statement on Thursday, of the total 3,321 cases, 734 are related to travel abroad, 1,851 are related to an already known case. The rest are not related to travel or another known case or are still under investigation.
9 patients are intubated in hospitals Intensive Care Units. Their average age is 62, among them are 2 women.. 77.8% of the patients have underlying health issues or are over 70 years old.
119 patients have been discharged from the ICUs since the beginning of the outbreak.
Number of coronavirus-related deaths stand at 191.
Among the deceased were 61 women (31.9%).
61 (31.9%) γυναίκες και οι υπόλοιποι άνδρες. Η διάμεση ηλικία των θανόντων συμπολιτών μας ήταν τα 76 έτη και το 95.8% είχε κάποιο υποκείμενο νόσημα ή/και ηλικία 70 ετών και άνω.
The average age of the deceased was 76, and 95.8% had underlying health issues and/or were over 70 years old.
Over 295,600 tests have been conducted since beginning of the year.
In another statement earlier, authorities said that the 2. and 3. test of a prisoner in Korydallos prison in Athens were “negative”. There was no positive test among the 198 samples taken from prisoners and staff of Korydallos Prison.
The Greek Civil Protection extended the quarantine in Echinos village, in Thrace, for another 5 days. New sample tests will be conducted after June 30.