Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced one more lockdown with schools and retail closed for Greek capital Athens and the regional unit of Attica. The lockdown will go into force at 6:00 a.m. on Thursday, February 11, and will last until February 28, 2021.
In his televised address to the nation, Mitsotakis said that “all forms of retail will close and on all levels of education will operate remotely with the exceptions of special education schools where classes will continue with physical presence.”
The Prime Minister added that the new measures will be further specified by those in charge tomorrow Wednesday.
He said further that he takes full responsibility for the new measures.
He stressed among others:
“Almost a year has passed since the outbreak of the pandemic. Greece, along with a handful countries of the European North, has so far effectively resisted the third wave of the coronavirus. This is stated by official European data that put Greece in the 23rd place among EU’s 27 when it comes to fatalities.”
“We do know, however, that coronavirus attacks can occur suddenly and exponentially. Like the fire that spreads quickly and destructively. See what happened in Portugal. That is why, in the face of a potential phenomenon, we chose the regular review and the flexible adaptation of the measures, depending on the real situation.:
He defended the “targeted measures” and said “in the end, it is a big breath for the market and the society to be open for 2 weeks and closed for 2 weeks from being isolated for 4 weeks.”
He underlined that “the goal is to always be one step ahead of the virus. And this tactic was effective in the last ban in January.”
“Today, however, the danger is reappearing. Not in the form of thousands of sick and deaths, as in other European countries, but with two facts that worry us greatly. On the one hand, the increase of hospitalizations in Attica where the health structures are gradually filling up. And, on the other hand, the mutations of the virus that seem to accelerate its transmissibility.”
Referring to the ongoing vaccination program, Mitsotakis said that “we know that from April we will be in much better position. But now we must prevent the danger.”
the Prime Minister underlined that the government will continue to support households and businesses for as long as the pandemic crisis lasts.
He said also that “there are mistakes, confusion and negligence in the joint effort. But we must not lose sight of the big picture. Today I am more than ever convinced that the epilogue of this unprecedented adventure has begun to be written.”
Health authorities announce on Tuesday 1520 new coronavirus cases,with 750 of them detected in Athens and Attica.
Note that the closure of retail will drift also services like hairdressers, etc. the measures details will be announced at 12 noon on Wed by the Civil Protection.
Will these new measures in Athens and Attica apply to the Prime Minister’s socialising ?
Lockdowns only delay the inevitable as shown throughout the world. Once relaxed the enemy comes back with vengance.
There is currently only one option, an efficient vaccine programme asap.