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Restrictions for unvaccinated citizens in Greece in effect from Sept 13

Restrictive measures for unvaccinated citizens in Greece go into effect on Monday, September 13, on the same day the schools open again. The restrictions will change the personal and work life of those not vaccinated against Covid-19 and will also affect their movement with public transport means for travels to mainland and the islands. At the same time, they will face increased expenses as they will have to pay from their own pockets Covid-tests in order to continue working.

According to the relevant ministerial decisions, the restrictive measures are in effect from 13. September 2021. The health Ministry had announced in August that the restrictions for unvaccinated are to be in force until 31. March 2022.

Restrictions for Unvaccinated


No access to the closed spaces of restaurants, cafes, taverns, bars, clubs, etc, sports stadiums

Access to gyms, theaters and cinemas, museums only with a negative rapid test carried out in last 48 hours.

Employees, students, teachers

Unvaccinated employees of the public and private sector will have to undergo one Rapid test once per week. The cost of €10 will be covered by them.

Unvaccinated teachers will have to carry out two rapid tests per week. Cost €20 per week.

Self tests for pupils are available free of charge and must be declared on the platform
Higher education

University students are required to have 2 rapid antigen tests per week, which are performed exclusively in private diagnostic centers, at the student’s expense, 10 euros / test.

Unvaccinated academics, people working in tourism, catering, television, film, theater, music and dance will be required to submit two negative Rapid tests a week. The cost is at their own expense.

Domestic travel

Those traveling by any transport means to destinations on the mainland or the islands  must present a negative rapid test that has been done at least 48 hours before their departure, while they will not be able to go to public facilities to perform a free coronavirus test before traveling. More details on KTG separate post here.

Vaccinated or Covid-recovered citizens

Vaccinated or people recovered from Covid-19 have access to all closed spaces incl restaurants, entertainment etc. However, they will have to have a vaccination or recovery certificate that will be checked at the entrance of the facilities.

  • Access with vaccination certificate: 14 days after full vaccination
  • Access with illness certificate: up to 6 months form the diagnosis

Note: Only vaccinated and recovered from Covid-19 will reportedly have access to the closed and open spaces of sports stadiums, that is also to football stadiums.

In closed areas of theaters, cinemas, museums and archeological sites, gyms entry will be allowed to vaccinated and recovered citizens, and to unvaccinated who have performed a Rapid rapid antigen test up to 48 hours before.

What if ….

The key question remains: What will happen if these measures do not work and Greeks do not rush to vaccination centers now they will be deprived of some activities or will face increase expenses due to the required tests.

With 55% only fully vaccinated and some 400,000 only partially there is a very high rate of the population that does not want to get the jab against the pandemic.

Big vaccination centers across the Greece already shut down due to absence of demand.

Already football fans organized protest in Thessaloniki, northern Greece, that the Prime Minister is currently visiting.

Restaurant and other catering facilities are in outrage and complain that they can not afford to turn down customers, after the long winter lockdown that brought many of them on the verge of economic collapse. Some businesses did not open again when the lockdown was lifted in late spring.

In any case, the upcoming winter seems extremely difficult as the Delta variant is sweeping Greece and school classes will shut down only if 50%+1 pupils or students are infected with the coronavirus. Scientists and  teachers expect the classrooms to turn into hotspots of the coronavirus.

PS Despite all these restrictions vaccinated and unvaccinated citizens continue using city buses, metro and tram, pray together in churches and share the Holy Communion with one single spoon.

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  1. I dont understand why people dont get vaccinated.
    In Denmark almost every one is vaccinated. And all restriktions is over. We Can do what we vant in Denmark.

    • Because some people have a will and/or are able to read and understand facts without needing the media to interpret it for them.

    • what if you’ve been vaccinated but can’t get a certificate like most temporary AMKA numbers….

  2. And STILL people who were issued PAMKA numbers as far back as 12th July and who have tried to get an appointment 3 or 4 times each week since are denied an appointment. No help from KEP, the Hospital where very few vaccinations are now carried out due to lack of demand or any Embolio site! Who is responsible for this situation and how much longer must these people wait before they can start to feel safe and be able to enjoy their lives again?

    • Sorry to hear that kind of things since I know many People living here without AMKA (not PAMKA) and did have some problems in the very beginning of the year, but since many months ago all have got temporary one and have got vaccinated. It can be done even by internet…I wonder, what’s a problem.

    • maybe try the online kep ……they sorted out our vaccination certificates which no-one else managed to with the ‘awkward 9’ problem. it is a discrace that people who want to get the jab cannot! It is simply discrimination against foreign residents and made us realise that we are not considered worty by the government.

  3. Although I’m vaccinated myself, this is just ridiculous. The government creates a dissension in our community with these measure. This will not make non-vaccinated persons come around, on the contrary.
    Instead of investing in better healthcare, they send crucial health-workers home. Instead of better ventilation systems in the schools, the abandon the teachers.
    They should be much more creative in convincing people that vaccination is a way out instead of punishments.

  4. LOL ……..not worty ………worthy! (we may be worty as well! )

  5. Nor have they suggested a solution as to where we go to pee!

  6. I am not Greek, was given a temporary AMKA, was vaccinated twice and issued immediately with the certificate by KEP. No complaints. It was all on line for anyone to read and in English too. KEP was most helpful with instructions and advice including for other issues such as where to go for residency permit etc.

  7. There is a typo in the article: “The health Ministry had announced in August that the restrictions for unvaccinated are to be in force until 31. March 2020”, shouldn’t it read 31 March 2022?