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17-year-old “anarchist” arrested for Varoufakis’ assault

Citizen Protection Minister, Takis Theodorikakos, announced the arrest of a 17-year-old “anarchist” and the identification of two more people who attacked leader of MeRA25 Yanis Varoufakis on Friday night.

In a post on Twitter, the Minister commented:”A group of anarchists identified by the Greek police, are those responsible for the attack on the leader of MeRA25 Yanis Varoufakis. This is the truth, even if it is not convenient for some…”.

Prompt was the response of Varoufakis who had initially claimed right after the assault that the attackers were “hired thugs.” The party leader who suffered a broken nose urged “the government to stop the disorienting speculation” and have the attack investigated by Justice.

Although he called for participation on Sunday’s train crash protest rally, he will reportedly will not be able to attend as his nose is still bleeding.

According to police sources, the 17-year-old was arrested in Marousi, suburb of northern Athens, he is active in the anti-authoritarian movement and has been known to authorities for “involvement in incidents.”

Even though “anarchists” immediately boast for their attacks, no group or organization has claimed responsibility still two days later.

Some media reported that the teenager was the one filming the attack and that he deleted the footage.

worth noting that police investigation continues and no charges have been pressed so far, against the teenager. so he is rather in detention than arrested.

What is interesting is that the attackers allegedly shouted that the beating was “because Varoufakis signed the bailout” while he was finance minister in SYRIZA government.

As the 17-year-old was just 8 years old in 2015 and he has certainly missed the fact that Varoufakis resigned on July 6, while the bailout was signed beginning of August.

Another attack against left-wing MP

SYRIZA MP Dimitris Vitsas politician was also verbally attacked by a group of “anarchists” during a train crash protest rally on Saturday. There have been reports that there was a brawl between attackers and SYRIZA and ANTASRYA protesters.

An ‘anarchist’ group claimed responsibility for the attack against Vitsas, claiming that SYRIZA-ANTARSYA go hand in hand aiming to be in power, when only “social revolution is the solution” – and ANTARSYA has hardly chances to enter the parliament.

PS that anti-authoritarians attack left-wing politicians off power is another Greek mystery, ahead of the elections…

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